The Board meets on the first and third Monday of each month. Meetings begin at 1:00 p.m. and are held in the department conference room at 65 Lafayette Ave, Littleton. Board meetings are open to the public and time is allotted for public comments at each meeting.
View Meeting Minutes for: | 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
The regularly scheduled business meeting of the Littleton Water and Light (LWL) Board of Commissioners (BOC) began at 1:00 p.m. on April 1, 2024, in the LWL conference room. Present were Commissioner Linda MacNeil, Commissioner Ralph Ross, Commissioner Peter Cooper, Director of Finance Lori Hogan, Line Supervisor Justen Elliott, and Superintendent Thomas Considine.
The minutes of the March 18, 2024 regularly scheduled Commissioners meeting were reviewed. Commissioner Cooper made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Commissioner Ross.
The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0
LWL installed three (3) LED streetlights along the Rail Trail behind LWL to illuminate the path between the railroad trestles. LPD Chief asked/inquired if LWL would consider installing the lighting to ease the anxiety of residents in the community when walking on the trail after dark as the homeless encampment is near this section of trail. LWL accomplished this task as requested as time permitted. The monthly operating (usage) expenses will be added to the Town of Littleton’s unmetered streetlight tally.
1. Mrs. Hogan discussed several cybersecurity improvements that she has been working on with the Bank of NH to improve online banking security to protect LWL funds from fraud. LWL’s operating accounts have been subject to a few recent microdeposit phishing attempts by entities looking to hack LWL accounts and gain access to LWL funds. New protocols (2 factor authorization/positive pay) are in place and account logins and passwords have been updated and or replaced to strengthen cybersecurity to deter bad actors. No impact to LWL funds has been reported due to this phishing activity as internal banking cybersecurity protocols were alerted.
2. Mrs. Hogan presented the BOC with the breakdown of surplus funds generated in 2023 now that the auditors completed their financial audit.
Commissioner Ross made a motion to transfer surplus funds from the 2023 operating account into both the water and electric reserve replacement accounts in the amount of $140,360 and $289,782. Seconded by Commissioner Cooper.
Mrs. Hogan stated that this amount represents the depreciation of the assets from both divisions.
The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.
Commissioner Cooper made a motion to transfer surplus funds from the 2023 operating account into water capital reserve account for permitting and development of the Lafayette Well B facility and into the electric capital reserve account for the design and replacement of the Lafayette Substation in the amounts of $250,000, and $750,000 respectively. Seconded by Commissioner Ross.
The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.
Commissioner Ross made a motion to transfer any remaining surplus funds from the 2023 operating account in the rate stabilization account in the amount of about $800,000 to maintain a steady electric and water rate. Seconded by Commissioner Cooper.
The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.
1. Mr. Considine advised the BOC that NH Electric Cooperative partially executed a pole attachment agreement with LWL. The agreement has been under development between LWL and NHEC for several months and is in connection with NHEC “NH Broadband” service that will bring fiberoptic internet service to NHEC customers. Some of NHEC customers cannot be accessed directly by NHEC requiring them to attach to LWL poles to reach them.
Following some discussion the BOC agreed and authorized Mr. Considine to sign the agreement on behalf of LWL as this is another revenue source for LWL.
2. Convergent Energy presented the BOC a list of dates and times to consider a remote zoom conference. The is to discuss matters concerning the safe operations of the proposed battery/energy storage facility at the Westside Substation. Following some discussion the BOC agreed that they would prefer a representative from Convergent Energy attend a BOC regular scheduled meeting to have the discussion in a public forum.
1. Mr. Elliott presented the BOC with the bid results for the sale of the 2013 bucket truck. LWL line truck vendor suggested that the value of the truck around $25,000 or so though in the Boston, MA area. A total of four (4) bids were received that ranged from a high of $18,500 to a low of $5,000. Mr. Elliott stated that the successful bidder, once notified, would have three (3) days to provide a certified bank check to secure the vehicle/transaction.
Following some discussion Commissioner Cooper made a motion to accept the bid provided by Alfred McVettey of Guildhall, VT, seconded by Commissioner Ross.
The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.
2. Mr. Elliott also asked the BOC to consider closing the office early on Monday, April 8, 2024 due to the expected solar eclipse. The eclipse is projected to begin in the north country at about 2:00 p.m. and will vary in effect, ending at about 4:30 p.m.
The BOC discussed and agreed that due to safety concerns with employees travelling home at the peak of the eclipse the LWL office can close at 1:00 p.m. due to this extraordinary event.
3. The BOC reviewed documents that are being sent to about 80 LWL water customers. The documents are requesting customers to notify LWL about the type of water service lateral/line entering their home or business. Under the new federally mandated Lead and Copper Rule Revisions LWL must report to the NHDES by the end of October 2024 the type of water service line that are entering a home’s/business served by the LWL system. Overall LWL is in good shape having historical records as the LWL BOC in circ 1988 made the decision, (minutes sent to NHDES) not to provide water service to any location being served by a lead water service line.
There being no further business to come before the board Commissioner Ross made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Cooper.
The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.
The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
The regularly scheduled Commissioner’s meeting is held twice monthly on the first and third Monday, at 1:00 p.m., in the Department’s conference room.