Serving the Community since 1903

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for service?
How do I discontinue my service?
Do you read my meter?
How can I pay my bill?
What if I lose power?

How do I sign up for service?

You can either come by our office between the hours of 9:00 am - 2:00 p.m. Monday through Friday or call us at (603) 444-2915 and we will tell you what is required. Please provide the exact address of the service you are requesting.

How do I discontinue my service?

You can either mail us your request with your signature and the date you would like to have your service disconnected, come in to our office during normal working hours, or call us.

Do you read my meter?

Yes, each month LW&L meter readers attempt to read every meter. Each meter is read approximately the same date each month. This date may vary due to weekends and holidays. There are times we aren't able to read your meter due to obstruction, a locked fence, dogs, etc. Please make sure we have access to your meter every month.

How can I pay my bill?

What if I lose power?

During normal business hours (6:30-3:00p.m.) you can call the office at 444-2915 and a customer service representative will assist you. After hours call the office at 444-2915, follow the instructions given by the operator and an ON-CALL staff member will be automatically dispatched.