Serving the Community since 1903

Minutes of Littleton Water and Light Meetings

The Board meets on the first and third Monday of each month. Meetings begin at 1:00 p.m. and are held in the department conference room at 65 Lafayette Ave, Littleton. Board meetings are open to the public and time is allotted for public comments at each meeting.

Minutes for 2023

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Regular Meeting Feb 21, 2023

The regularly scheduled business meeting of the Littleton Water and Light (LWL) Board of Commissioners (BOC) began at 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21, 2023 in the LWL conference room. Present were Commissioner Peter Cooper, Commissioner Ralph Ross, Commissioner Linda MacNeil, Director of Finance Lori Hogan, and Superintendent Thomas Considine.


The minutes of the February 6, 2023 regularly scheduled Commissioners meeting were reviewed. Commissioner Ross made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Commissioner MacNeil.

The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0


1. Mrs. Hogan reviewed the highlights of the draft financial statements (FS) for the month ended December 2022 with the Commissioners. For the year ended 2022 LWL realized an operational deficit on the P/L of more than $200,000. Several variances as compared to budget were discussed and explained by Mrs. Hogan. The FS will remain formatted in draft until the year end audit is complete.

2. The auditor(s) are scheduled to be on site beginning Monday, February 27th for about four (4) days. The audit process will largely focus on LWL accounts receivable (A/R) process and random customer sampling is being conducted.

Note: LWL as a wholesale market participant in ISO New England (ISONE) and must supply a copy of the audited financial statement(s) “within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year to remain compliant with ISONE’s Financial Assurances policy”. Failure to comply, an adverse auditor’s opinion or low credit rating would likely result in LWL paying increased costs or post other financial surety or higher collateral on all power supply transactions.


1. Equipment to support LWL’s AMI pilot project was recently installed and appears to be functioning as expected about 1,500 meters are in contact with this one device. Equipment needed to support the pilot will be deployed systematically beginning with the northerly side of Main Street to optimize the communications process with the end users.

2. There was a major watermain break on Pleasant Street near the telephone office building on Saturday, February 11th at about 10:30 a.m. LWL received numerous reports of low water pressure or no water in the area surrounding Remich Park/Mann’s Hill. Fortunately, LWL response was almost immediate as LWL personnel successfully isolated/stopped the water flow/leak by about 11:15 a.m. LWL found that the 8-inch cast iron watermain had a significant longitudinal crack that caused the leak. It is estimated that about 100,000 gallons were released during the active event. There was a considerable amount of past excavation activity near the damage discovered and it is suspected that this may have been a contributing factor as to the severity of the break. Water service interruption affected a relatively small number of customers located between Pleasant Street and Hight Street. Service was restored to all customers at about 6:30 p.m.


There being no further business to come before the board Commissioner MacNeil made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Ross.

The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.

Meeting adjourned at 1:38 p.m.

The regularly scheduled Commissioner’s meeting is held twice monthly on the first and third Monday, at 1:00 p.m., in the Department’s conference room.

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