The Board meets on the first and third Monday of each month. Meetings begin at 1:00 p.m. and are held in the department conference room at 65 Lafayette Ave, Littleton. Board meetings are open to the public and time is allotted for public comments at each meeting.
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The regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners (BOC) meeting began at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, November 17, 2014 in the Littleton Water and Light Department (LWL) conference room. Present were Commissioner Perry Goodell, Commissioner Eddy Moore, Commissioner Ralph Ross, Financial Services Director Cheryl Wilkins and Superintendent Thomas Considine.
The minutes of the November 3, 2014 regularly scheduled Commissioners meeting were reviewed. Commissioner Ross made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Commissioner Moore.
The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) credit that was to be distributed during November 2014 was inadvertently applied to cycle 1 and cycle 2 customers in the form of a debit (charge). Approximately 1,300 accounts received a charge of $2.81/ KWh in its place of the credit. Once the transposition error was found department personnel began the process of correcting the affected accounts.
The property owner of a 17 Lafayette Avenue apartment building requested a meeting with the BOC to abate high water consumption in April 2014 but did not show up at the meeting.
Following a short discussion and review of the water consumption history at the property the BOC agreed to grant the water abatement on the excess water use less water treatment costs.
1. Superintendent Considine stated that he spoke at the Littleton Economic Celebration last Thursday (11/13/2014) on behalf of the department. This is typically an annual event that the department is asked to participate in.
2. Department personnel responded to a reported water leak on US 302 (Meadow Street) and the junction of Bridge Street at about 6:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 13th. A leak on the six (6) cast iron water main was found that affected customers along Saranac Street and Meadow Street between Hidden Brook Lane and Rite Aid. The repair was expeditiously completed and water service was restored to the affected area by about 1:00 p.m. that afternoon.
3. The department is in ongoing discussions with the Mt. Eustis Ski group relative to the possibility of providing three (3) phase power needed to operate a portable rope tow for the winter that appears to require a three (3) phase 277/480 service. The department has a 150 kva pad-mount transformer that is capable of providing the needed supply that could be loaned for this purpose.
Following some discussion the BOC agrees that there are too many unanswered questions to make a decision: 1) what will they do with the power when it’s available at the site, 2) how are they going to get the power to the equipment?
No decision was made by the BOC with regard to offering additional support to the project at this time. The BOC suggested that the group attend a future BOC meeting when they have a working plan.
4. The electric system experienced a surge/ blink that affected some of our customers at about 8:00 am, Sunday November 16th, 2014. A fault is believed to have been induced into the transmission system by a piece of equipment at Comerford Station that failed causing the event. Though there was no significant power interruption the resulting fault current initially knocked out customer equipment (Time Warner’s central hub) and LWL on-call personnel were called in to investigate.
5. The department is planning to present the 2015 operating and maintenance budget to the BOC for their review and comment on Monday, December 1, 2014. A draft presentation will be placed in the BOC mailbox prior to the Commissioners meeting for their review.
The BOC reviewed a proposal submitted by La Capra Associates to study the feasibility and any related consequences affecting the department as an ISONE participant, of interconnecting to the NU U-199 transmission line in the Littleton Industrial Park.
The Commissioners agreed that this study is needed before any further action can be taken relative to whether or not the project is economically viable and makes operational sense for the department before going forward.
Commissioner Ross made a motion to accept La Capra’s proposal dated November 3, 2014 (Transmission Upgrade) in an amount not to exceed $15,000 to study the feasibility of the interconnection to the U-199 line. Seconded by Commissioner Moore.
Vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.
Commissioner Goodell executed the proposed on behalf of the BOC.
Commissioner Moore made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by
Commissioner Ross.
The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
The regularly scheduled Commissioner’s meeting is held twice monthly on the first and third Monday, at 1:00 p.m., in the Department’s conference room.