Serving the Community since 1903

Minutes of Littleton Water and Light Meetings

The Board meets on the first and third Monday of each month. Meetings begin at 1:00 p.m. and are held in the department conference room at 65 Lafayette Ave, Littleton. Board meetings are open to the public and time is allotted for public comments at each meeting.

Minutes for 2016

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Regular Meeting Jan 4, 2016

The regularly scheduled Board of Commissioners (BOC) meeting began at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, January 4, 2016 in the Littleton Water and Light Department (LWL) conference room. Present were Commissioner Ralph Ross, Commissioner Eddy Moore, Commissioner Perry Goodell, Financial Director Cheryl Wilkins and Superintendent Thomas Considine.


The minutes of the December 21, 2015 regularly scheduled Commissioners meeting were reviewed. Commissioner Moore made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Commissioner Goodell.

The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.


Mrs. Wilkins advised the BOC that the National Grid (NG) invoice for the month of November 2015 is $94,306 which is supposedly the true-up of service for several previous months. Though the NG invoice typically varies this represents the largest invoice that the LWL has seen in some time. NG was contacted by Superintendent Considine with regard to the exact detail and explanation of the charges.

Note: NG provides transmission services for the department and is the LWL point of connection to the New England electrical grid system.


1. The NH Public Television (NHPTV) documentary “NH Tapped” was discussed with the BOC. The documentary will focus on raising awareness with regard to water sustainability and just what is involved when opening a water faucet. The show will air on NHPTV during National Water Week in May of 2016. NHPTV executives visited the department recently and are soliciting donations from NH water suppliers. NHPTV plans to send LWL a proposal to support this effort.

The BOC discussed briefly, no action was taken.

2. The BOC was briefed with regard to the pending Forward Capacity (FC) procurement of 5 kW beginning June 2019. Daymark Energy Solutions began the process of establishing contract documents with wholesale capacity suppliers in advance to the February 2016 ISONE FC auction which will lock in prices for June 2019 through May 2020. Preliminary proposals were received from Dynegy and PSEG with Constellation Energy expressing a strong interest with regard to the departments RFP.

Currently Dynegy and Constellation have no paperwork in place with the department and their preliminary bid prices looked favorable. It is expected that the proper EEI agreements will be in place in advance of the February 2016 ISO FC auction.

3. Superintendent Considine advised the BOC that the department was recently briefed (Brien Ward) in regard to the River District Redevelopment Commission ongoing project costs and funding estimates. A spread sheet that was presented to the Town of Littleton Selectmen was briefly reviewed and discussed.

No action was taken by the BOC.

4. The quote for the new service bucket truck that was approved as part of the 2015 Capital Equipment authorizations was recently (dated December 31, 2015) received by the department. The quote came in at about $129,300 and is within the proposed budget.

Following some discussion the BOC questioned if there will be any real measurable fleet savings by adding a new vehicle. In light that truck 5 is a 2001 and is nearing the end of its useful life expectancy can a new service truck at this price be really justified?

The BOC agreed that if the department personnel can truly justify the need of this new vehicle that they support the purchase.

Superintendent Considine stated that he would have a meeting with the appropriate personnel and discuss the BOC concerns before executing the agreement with the manufacturer.


1. The Primex Property Liability (PL) Insurance proposal and membership agreement was reviewed and discussed by the BOC.

Superintendent Considine stated that he spoke with the Public Entities Division of the Davis and Towle Insurance Group with regard to providing a proposal to the department for commercial PL coverage. The focus of the discussion centered on finding a carrier that would underwrite a PL policy for both the electric and the water. Davis and Towle eventually provided a company that would cover both entities (Glatfelter Insurance) though not local.

Following some discussion the BOC agreed to accept the Primex proposal dated December 15, 2015 to provide PL coverage starting July 1, 2016 for the LWL. Commissioner Moore, BOC Secretary, executed the agreement on behalf of the department.

2. Superintendent Considine made a request that the meeting be moved to nonpublic session to discuss matters concerning employees IAW RSA RSA 91-A: 3, Para. II (a).

Commissioner Moore made a motion to enter into nonpublic session in accordance with RSA 91-A: 3, Para. II (a) to discuss matters related to department employees, seconded by Commissioner Goodell.

Commissioner Ross called for a roll call vote to enter in nonpublic session. Commissioner Goodell - Yes, Commissioner Moore – Yes and Commissioner Ross - Yes.

The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.

Entered nonpublic session at 1:38 p.m.

Public session reconvened at 2:10 p.m.

3. Commissioner Ross asked about the water main break on Mann’s Hill Road just above the pump station.

Superintendent Considine stated that on-call personnel responded to a report of a water leak at about 3 a.m. on Monday, December 14th. Upon excavation the six (6) inch water main was found to have had a small lateral break (perpendicular to center line of pipe) that caused the alarm situation (low tank) to activate. Repair was completed by 11 a.m. that morning. There was no indication as to what may have caused the damage.


Commissioner Goodell made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by
Commissioner Moore.

The vote was in favor of the motion 3-0-0.

Meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

The regularly scheduled Commissioner’s meeting is held twice monthly on the first and third Monday, at 1:00 p.m., in the Department’s conference room.

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